How Can I Help My Child?

Children all learn at different speeds. Like learning to walk when babies, some crawled, some sat, some walked straight away. Just because children take time to walk doesn't mean they can't or won't walk. The first children to walk are not the best walkers or fastest runners, they were just the first to walk. The same applies to reading, writing, and maths. Children will learn at their pace, so having a set of national goals or standards that fit all children on a spectrum can be unrealistic or unhelpful. However that doesn't mean we will not try our hardest as teachers and parents to get our children ready to learn. Parents can encourage and support learning. Here are some strategies and ideas that parents can engage in with their children to support learning in reading, writing and mathematics. Your child's teacher is an expert at learning and will also have some other ideas and suggestions.

After 1 Year at School

After 2 Years of School

After 3 Years at School

By The End of Year 4

By The End of Year 5

By The End of Year 6

The documents below contain all the year levels in one document, translated into specific languages.

Cook Island - How I can Support my Child at Home

Maori - How I can Support my Child at Home

Dari - How I can Support my Child at Home

Korean - How I can Support my Child at Home

Samoan - How I can Support my Child at Home

Niuean - How I can Support my Child at Home

Tagalot - How I can Support my Child at Home

Hindi - How I can Support my Child at Home

Thai - How I can Support my Child at Home

Tongan - How I can Support my Child at Home

Somali - How I can Support my Child at Home

Chinese - How I can Support my Child at Home

Tokelauan - How I can Support my Child at Home